Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Salad Spinners

I've had to sacrifice many things as a mother and I have been more than happy to do so for most of those things.  The latest has been my salad spinner!  Bean has made it into her new favourite toy and figured out how to use it all by herself.  She thoroughly enjoys taking it apart and putting it together and spinning it, stepping in it (we no longer use it for salads) and it does not seem to get old.  Today I thought I would try to put a few items in it (she normally spins it with nothing inside) to show her what is actually happening in there.

I literally took the three items that were closest to where she was and put them inside for a spin.  She grinned from ear to ear when I spun them around in the salad spinner as she watched.  She of course wanted to try and then she attempted to put other items in.  When she is a bit older, I may do this again and put items that have very different masses, like a feather and cotton ball and some heavier blocks and she if she notices any difference. This could easily be a science experiment for preschool children.

What is the one kitchen gadget your child(ren) can't get enough of?  Do you remember your favourite?


  1. This is so adorable:) I can see why she would find this to be fun haha! I remember as a kid my parents always bought be toy versions of kitchen gadgets like a mini oven and blender, a little girl's dream!

    1. Mini kitchen appliances are too cute! I had a blender and remember making plenty of green grass and mud "smoothies" ;)

    2. Mini kitchen appliances are too cute! I had a blender and remember making plenty of green grass and mud "smoothies" ;)
