Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Book Review, Llama Llama Wakey-Wake

My daughter really enjoys the Llama Llama series of books.  We first heard Llama Llama Red Pajama at a reading readiness (story time) program that she and I used to attend last year when she was about 5 months old.  It soon became a favourite bedtime story.  Bean has several bedtime stories and a few of them include bedtime routines which is great because she can identify with the characters in the book and (hopefully) do the same.
A few weeks ago I purchased Llama Llama Wakey-wake, because I knew Bean already liked the character Llama Llama.  This book is about the morning routine which was really nice for a change.  Brushing her teeth is not something that Bean does or lets us help her with most days so I find it helps a little bit when we can say that Llama Llama brushes his teeth in the morning (among other things).
After Bean became familiar with it, I would start the sentence and she would complete it with the actions she knew Llama Llama did in the book.
If you're looking for a book with a good morning routine to help your toddlers, this one is great!  Let me know what you think.


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