Sunday, 17 May 2015

Spring time -outdoor activities

It has been so warm and sunny lately, we have been spending a lot of time outdoors with Bean.  We are lucky to have lots of local parks near us and it's probably my daughter's favourite way to spend the morning or afternoon, or even an entire day if she had her way!  Since we cannot spend all day at the park, she is still quite happy playing in her backyard.  I'm surprised at how little she needs to be entertained for (sometimes) hours.  Here are some of her current favourites:

  • Sidewalk chalk
  • A wagon
  • Plastic baseball bat and ball
  • Her toddler sized chair (too cute!)
  • Rake and shovel

  • What are some of your toddler's favourite outdoor activities/toys?  What is their favourite thing to do at the park?  Bean LOVES the swings and sandbox!

    Thursday, 7 May 2015

    Book Review- Duck! Rabbit!

    This is a hilarious book that my daughter finds quite enjoyable and one which I laughed out loud at the first time I read to her.  This book was a Christmas gift from friends and Bean has been enjoying it ever since.  It has an illustration of an animal that could be a duck or a rabbit and the book is about the ongoing discussion about which one it truly is.  It is really cute and in case you're wondering, my daughter definitely thinks it's a rabbit.  Have any of you read it?  What do you think it is, a rabbit or a duck? ;)